Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Updated Mural Photos

I have been having a difficult time getting into Blogger to post, so this photo update is actually from early this morning. I'm very pleased with how the painting is going. We finished two coats of "sand" on the floor & the whole family is getting very excited. Gillian painted much of the body of the first jelly fish you see. She is so proud of it! Charles has been speding time watching me paint and looking through his dinosaur and ocean books to try to find even more things for me to add... I don't mind, but I'll have to keep them small to avoid needing a tarp on the floor.

And I do know that some of these creatures are not suppose to be in the same sea as the liopleuradon (as my husband notes each time he views our progress), but we are taking some artistic license. We can do that, ya know. LOL! - Joyce Brandon


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