Tuesday, May 09, 2006

No Way!
OK - so I'm a geek. I started out to write this big long explaination of how I discovered that one of the guys I went to high school with is an actor/writer/artist. But it all boils down to my brother bringing a movie over for my children to watch.
The next day I got one of those annoying but occasionally unignorable emails from classmates.com... So I went and updated my profile... yes I'm still alive, married, 2 kids, painting, me... BlahBlahBlah. But for some reason I was thinking about a friend who said she'd seen Peter Bedgood do a stand up act a few years ago in T town. Now this guy was always very funny and unusual (one memory of Peter involves occasionally hearing someone waltzing down the school halls whistling the theme to Andy Griffith) and I could easily see the transition to comic. Anyhow... I decided to google him.
Imagine my surprise when I find that in '99 he was in an indy film, Chillicothe, that received recognition at Sundance. More recently Peter was involved with Blue Yonder Films in the creation of Hoodwinked!(doDOdodo...doDOdodo)
I didn't know Peter terribly well, but he left a lasting impression as a guy who would always be himself. I am thrilled that he's finding success on his own path & happy to learn that he resisted the pressure to conform. (rules for behavior, dress, proper thought, etc... were a big 35 page orientation booklet sort of thing at BAHS)
YEAH Bedgoodsky!!!


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